Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Fit to Split

I did my comedy thing at Lickety Split Sunday night, and it was a pretty decent experience. I saw a comic get heckled like nobody's business, but the crowd was nice to me considering how late it was (after 1 am) and how drunk they were. There's more to be said about that night but I dare not go further in this here public space. I don't want some comic coming after me for what he read on my blog.

You can see the results of my work here. YouTube hasn't yet added the clip to their search engine so you can't look it up via my name quite yet. Check out the drunk guy who starts mumbling to me around 2:30. He was nice enough, throwing me the horns and insisting that I rocked, which was rather decent of him. Nothing like a compliment from a drunk guy with weird hair to build your self esteem.

Thanks to the stalwart Ed, who soldiered through to the wee hours of the morning to record this slice of history.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree, you absolutely ROCK!!!!