Thursday, January 24, 2008

Blue Wednesday

I know today's Thursday, but I'm referring ever so obliquely to yesterday, when I performed at the Comedy Cabaret. Check out the video. All-new material in front of a crowd that's typically not very fond of me, but I got a pretty good response last night. If you're watching it at work or in front of the young ones be warned that there's a good deal of naughty language** in there. It's how you have to work the Comedy Cabaret.

** Hence the "blue" in the title.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

More pics

Because I feel like it! These have languished on my hard drive for long I shall inflict them upon you. Enjoy..if you dare!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Just in time for the season

The campaign season, that is. Here's a handy Web site that documents the statements made by would-be presidents and rates their veracity, ranging from "True" to "Pants on Fire." Bookmark it and keep it handy, 'cause you'll need it as primary season progresses.

As promised, here are pics from Dan's birthday party. There aren't many, it's true, but...well, I don't have any pithy comment with which to finish that sentence. So there.

New favorite lyric:

"They lived for awhile in a very nice style
But it's always the same in the end
They got a divorce as a matter of course
And they parted the closest of friends
Then the king and the queen went back to the green
But you can never go back there again"

Artist: Billy Joel (Billy Joel)
Song: Scenes from an Italian Restaurant
Album: The Stranger

Monday, January 14, 2008

They's married now!

Here are some pics from my brother's wedding, which was last Saturday. You'll note there are only about a dozen; for some reason, lots of the pics we took came out blurry. Oh well. Enjoy!

Oh, and there will be a video of my best man speech posted on YouTube as soon as Dan transcodes it for me.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

In case you felt you were missing...

...some old-fashioned, white supremacist-mocking distraction, here you are. Yeah, I know making fun of the Klan is a gimme, but this video's funny and a good sing-along.